Profilo di Taili Wu

"small, small, small"Exhibition

"small, small, small" Exhibition
I partnered with Kayo from TSUBORA-YA and had our first exhibition together in Japan, Yokohama. Our theme was "small, small, small". The idea was to make objects smaller than our palms that we can hold in hands. 

Kayo's work is combined with natural medium and playful creature, telling stories of genies in the nature. So happy to be able to hold the show together!

12/3 & 12/4, 2016 at Artmania Cafe Gallery, Yokohama, Japan. 
〒231-0064 神奈川県横浜市中区野毛町3-122
✎  Invitation  ✎
✎  Exhibition On Site  ✎
✎  Behind The Scene  ✎
Selected pieces of my ceramics as part of Duo Exhibition with TSUBORA-YA.
Mini Pencils/ vases
Creatures from my Desert Island/ vases
"small, small, small"Exhibition


"small, small, small"Exhibition

Taili x TSUBORA-YA, "small, small, small"exhibition
