Perfil de Mario Hany


Design 5B : Rehabilitation center for treating depression : Group therapy room.
This was a part of my graduation project, where we focus on a treatment space and study how can the interior design enhance certain emotions in the patient that helps in the treatment process.
The main concept of the whole rehabilitation center design is sharing community. Therefor the group therapy room is one of the most important treatment spaces in the design. The basic function of a group therapy space is to let the patients interact with each and open up about their problems which helps them learn more about themselves and improve their personal problems.
In order to let the patients open up about their problems in front of others, they must feel enclosed in the space. That's why the main keyword in the design is enclosure, this keyword is shown in the form of the space. The form is basically different sizes and forms of arcs which is enclosed on each other giving the space a shell like structure. In the middle section of the forms the arcs are open to give a sense of relief in the space. As relief is the feeling that the patients get after the talk about their emotions and problems that had been troubling them.
Manual model : scale 1:50
The space is accessible from both sides, the patients sit in a circle in the middle part of the space, the room holds up about eight patients.The form consists of eleven arcs which could be divided into three parts. The first part and the last part are similar the middle one is different.
First and last part :
The first two arcs are completely solid to give the patient a sense of exploration and mystery while he enters the space, The third and forth arcs have screens on top which allows the light to enter the space gradually, the variety of solid and void openings in the roof gives an excellent quality of light in the space.
The middle part:
The arcs in this part are open to the sky which allows direct sunlight to be focused on the place where patients have their group session. The graduation of light from low to high intensity enhance sense of calmness and relief while he is entering the space.
Interior shot : Group therapy :
This shot shows the interior mood of the space and how the two main keywords are achieved in the space, the patients feel very enclosed and secure in the space which lets them speak freely about their problems in front of other patients, 
They also feel relief by the form itself and how it shaped the quality of light inside the space. The quality of light appears on the floor of the space.
Interior shot : Group therapy :
This shot shows the view and the emotions that the interior design itself enhance to the patient while entering the space.
Exterior shot : Group therapy :
This shot shows the top view of the whole design and the variety of openings in each arc 
Handmade model : Scale 1:100 : Rehabilitation center treating depression :
This is a photo of the whole graduation project to show how the group therapy building is integrated with the whole project and the surrounding landscape. the building is located in between the residential homes in front of the lake in a very unique position in the site as it is one of the most important treatment facilities in the project. the building is a landmark in the site as it has a unique form that is different than any other building in the project.
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