Профиль Avery Storms

MICA Competitive Scholarship Portfolio 2017

Chapped Lips
Oil on canvas, 42"x42"
Fall 2016 (from "Screen for Changing" series)
Three Planes and a Smooshed Cockroach
Oil on canvas, 24"x36"
Fall 2016 (from "Screen for Changing" series)
Screen Walker
House paint, acrylic, and oil on found object
Fall 2016 (from "Screen for Changing" series)
Dude, I Gotta Work (pg 7 excerpt)
Ink and nib pens on bristol board, 9"x12"
Spring 2016
Two Riders (excerpt from an adaptation of the short story by Francisco Coloane)
Pencil, inkwash, digital manipulation on bristol board
Spring 2016
Lampshade-head: Recline
House paint, ink, and oil paint on canvas, 24"x36"
Spring 2016
Lampshade-head: Bridge
Photo-based screen print, 30"x40"
Spring 2016
Let Me Hear Ya Music
Spray paint/house paint mural, 12'x8'
Summer 2016
Lost Slog, pg 1
Ink drawings colored digitally
Spring 2016
Lost Slog, pg 2
Ink drawings colored digitally
Spring 2016
MICA Competitive Scholarship Portfolio 2017

MICA Competitive Scholarship Portfolio 2017


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