Alicja Antonina sin profil

The Garden/Zahrada/Ogród

Martin Sulik's Zahrada
title sequence & movie poster

Jakub's life arrived at a dead-end. He leaves his job, and gets into conflict with his father. The trouble just grows by his relation with a married woman. Breaking out, Jakub realizes the pleasures of the countryside in the old garden of his grandfather. He finds true love with an angel, and encounters various exciting moments of his new free life. Strange visitors arrive, and he wont get back to town anymore.

Peter Csurgay,

Works done in Bratislava in VSVU in Prof. Eva Péč Brezinová's Studio
Poster was exhibit in Cinema Světozor, Prague (19. 1. 2012 - 29. 2. 2012)
oDIFFERENT VIEWS - exhibition of student posters

music by: Dva
official website: 

The Garden/Zahrada/Ogród

The Garden/Zahrada/Ogród

Title sequence and poster, works done on the basis of Martin Sulik's movie "Zahrada"
