Enserio Studio's profile

Centre Cívic de Porqueres

Brand guidelines for Porqueres Community Center, a dynamic space where all kinds of activities aimed at a diverse audience are carried out. In its 20 year-history, it has become a very popular facility and a culture landmark in town. With the objective of providing its users with a unique element that may feel as their own and thus promoting group feeling, we have designed Cívica, a stencil font type in upper case. Stencil, rounded and cool! A typeface that behaves properly. Cívica has become the cornerstone of the new identity; it is used basically in headlines and it is combined with a serif typeface for the rest of the texts. A typeface with personality, a powerful corporate colour and specific photographic processing are enough to create a rich and dynamic branding.

Customer: Centre Cívic de Porqueres
Photography: Sílvia Poch
Centre Cívic de Porqueres

Centre Cívic de Porqueres
