Marie Venturas profil

Painting with Soy Sauce (speed painting video)

This is a speed painting video where I paint with Kikkoman Soy Sauce.
In total, the painting took about five hours but I sped up the video to about two minutes. Watch to see my painting process!

This video is apart of a speed painting series called "Can You Paint With It?" for my YouTube channel (The Art of Marie Louise). In this series, I find a new material from my everyday life to paint with and I record the painting process. I edit the videos in Premiere Pro CC and speed them up sometimes by 9000% to get the videos to about two minutes or less. So far I have speed painting videos painting with perfume, grape spread, and now soy sauce. More videos to come!
This is the final painting I made with soy sauce of the Mona Lisa. It was quite fun!
I used the bottle of Kikkoman Soy Sauce pictured here.

I poured this into one of the white bowls and the other bowl I filled with water to rinse out my brushes or for very light tones.

The other great thing is these materials are affordable and even smell nice when painting!
A close up of the drapery.
Kikkoman Soy Sauce and brushes.

I love Cotman watercolor brushes for watercolors or painting with food (coffee, perfume, grape spread, soy sauce, kool aid, etc.)

Some of the brushes I use get smaller than the 000 brush in this photo!
Painting with Soy Sauce (speed painting video)

Painting with Soy Sauce (speed painting video)

Painting the Mona Lisa with Kikkoman Soy Sauce. (Speed painting video)
