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Design What Is It Good For? Entry

Design What Is It Good For? entry

Design What Is It Good For? Is an international poster design competition and exhibition. Titled Clarity the work was exhibited in both London and Melbourne winning the 'Highly Commended' title. The work was accompanied by the following manifesto.

"In contemporary society individuals are exposed to a wide range of visual information everyday which often can overload ones capacity to differentiate between similar ideas. Effective design is the key to presenting relevant information effectively, with effective design concepts can be used to inspire the audience to realise new innovations and to realise fresh concepts. Quality design allows everyday tasks to be completed quickly and efficiently without confusion. A real world example of differentiating between sugar and salt is a situation whereby effective design is required to avoid confusion between the two similar products. Effective design improves the everyday individual’s life by allowing the swift completion of tasks that would potentially take much longer without the improvements made by designers of the past, making completing everyday tasks a piece of cake."
Design What Is It Good For? Entry

Design What Is It Good For? Entry
