Lost and Found
An Analysis of Specimen
Film is a risky medium. There is the risk of too much or not enough light, effectively ruining the negative or print. There are risks during the developing and the printing process. Film is unpredictable. One never knows the result until the damage is already done. There is no turning back in film. There is no undo feature. You get what you get. If it does not turn out, it is all on you. One could spend hours in the darkroom creating the perfect print, but in the end, eliminating all evidence of failure and progress. While working in the darkroom, these test strips float in and out of the chemicals, often making their home in the bottom of the garbage can as it seems they are just mistakes in an attempt to find a perfectly printed photograph. However, some of these test strips are beautiful just the way they are. They encompass all that is the image with such a sliver of the whole picture.

**All strips shown are found objects and placed in frames. None of the strips shown are my own images.
Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Senior Project showcase.

