Editorial Design / Interactive Design / Web Design
QUEST Online Publication
Design Challenge: Create an interactive and user engaging publication for the iPad that highlights different cultures, sub-cultures, and lifestyles around the world from a global perspective.
Target Audience: Magazine readers looking for a more intuitive way of reading on a mobile device while traveling or for general leisure. Individuals for this specific publication are inspired by the creativity that is the world and are open to new experiences and different types of cultures.
Design Response: QUEST publication comes from the idea that people have a desire to learn and seek out interesting and new cultures and lifestyles; In other words, a quest or adventure. The publication is designed to be primarily image driven to keep users visually engaged while limiting the amount of body copy that could draw potential viewers away. In lieu of traditional horizontal swiping I wanted the publication to have a more natural vertical scrolling and reading experience considering the reader is a using an iPad or mobile device. Each article in the publication has a specified color and a corresponding set of color bars serving as a strong visual reading guide in support of continuous vertical scrolling.
Online Publication

Online Publication

QUEST publication comes from the idea that people have a desire to learn and seek out interesting and new cultures and lifestyles; In other words 阅读更多内容
