The dig out friend is a part of my bachelor final work at Natural materials studio at Faculty of Art and design, J. E. PURKYNĚ UNIVERSITY in Czech Republic. 

Bachelor work with topic Improbable existence is preoccupied with interweave
of the natural science and art. It’s focus on using the bones and body construction in art.
The inspiration for this work was also natural science: cryptozoology, paleontology
and preparation of animals calls taxidermy. Work is occupy of building body of the fictitious
creation and his combination with construction that refill and enrichment of metal
components. The resultant implementation are two objects Dig out friend and Tripodecetus
inspirated by thesis and processing that are describe in text of bachelor work.

The Dig out friend is the skeleton of my dead guiney pig 8 years ago. It was 10 years old pet and it was my best pet friend when I was young. After 8 years I deside to exhumated it under the my bachelor work.
Digout friend

Digout friend

Dig out friend is a exhume guinea pig after 7 years after burial
