Valletta is a city which is full of history. Thousands of tourists visit Valletta everyday for its history and shopping. Each shop has its own signage which is displayed in their shop fronts to engage the right target audience. About more than 90% of the shop fronts in Valletta have a modern design, but what if a law came out that all shop fronts in Valletta should have an old Maltese shop front to bring out more the Maltese Culture. 

The shop front I’ve chosen was Vigo Men’s Wear. I felt that this shop would fit perfectly in an old Maltese shop front, mostly since they sell shirts, coats, suits and more which were common shops in the past. 

The shop front illustration was featured on Maltatype.
Shop Front

Shop Front

Valletta is a city which is full of history. Thousands of tourists visit Valletta everyday for its history and shopping. Each shop has its own si Read More
