A typographical treatment for the Ezekiel 25:17 scene from the film Pulp Fiction.

My book format was a concertina formed from a sheet of A1. This was to make it feel as though the book never ended because once you got to the end you could flip the book and start over. This was to highlight that Samuel L. Jackson’s character, Jules, always said this dialogue to countless numbers of people.

For the character Brett, I printed his dialogue on to tracing paper. This was to show that is character was transparent and the viewer could see that he had done wrong.

I wanted to create a perspective feel to the piece. This was to show the positioning of Jules, Brett and the viewer (camera). So Brett’s lines were printed back to front but since they were on tracing paper, you can easily turn the page and read them. Jules’ lines were printed large with an angle to them. This was to show Jules’ power in the scene as well as to show he was standing the whole time.

Typographical Book

Typographical Book

My book format was a concertina formed from a sheet of A1. This was to make it feel as though the book never ended because once you got to the en Read More
