Website Redesign
Kings Inn San Diego website redesign. 
The idea of creating this website is to give personality to the hotel's website. My job was to capture the essence of the hotel by adding a vintage beach style look. I took the idea of adding palm trees around the content because I noticed by looking at the porperty, palm trees surrounded the hotel and the swimming pool. 
Old Kings Inn San Diego website. 
New site in the process of being launched. 2013
I am part of a design team to redesign websites. These designs are designed for Wordpress. 
These design were made using Adobe Photoshop and Wordpress. I designed the layout and the web master programmed the website in Wordpress.  
Launched the new Website in the fall of 2012.
The old Ramada Monterey website. 
Launched the new Hilton Arlington website the end of 2012.
This was the old Hilton Arlington website. 
The new Mayfair LA website launched earlier this year. 2013
This was the previous Mayfair LA website. 
THe new current Kawada Hotel site. Launch in 2012.
Previous Kawada Hotel site. 
Website Redesign

Website Redesign

Website redesign for Independent hotels in California.
