In TV show ‘Sorry voor alles’, an unsuspecting victim is framed by family, friends, and professionals over the course of a month, and eventually put to the test in a live quiz that unveils their elaborate scheme. We created the popular television programme’s distinct logo and visual identity.

Sector: Entertainment
Services: Art Direction, Icon Design, Logo Design, Visual Identity
Weathered black and white sets the tone in a style reminiscent of both public signage and renegade street art, referring to the show’s underlying topics of surveillance, privacy, and public space. Square brackets act as a very recognisable style element.
Two sets of icons guide spectators through every episode of ‘Sorry voor alles’. Bracketed icons are used in candid camera footage, while a different set, as well as the logo, function as wall projections throughout the live studio quiz.
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Sorry Voor Alles


Sorry Voor Alles

Visual Identity for Sorry Voor Alles.
