Tilroy compiles fifteen years of omni-channel retail experience into software that makes any retailer’s life a lot easier. We were originally asked to work on a logo and baseline, but found there was a lot more potential for the brand’s communication strategy.

Sector: IT
Services: Baseline, Copywriting, Icon Design, Illustration, Logo Design, Rebranding, Social Media, Stationary Design, Tone of Voice, Visual Identity, Webdesign
Tilroy enables retailers to manage their store, stock, and webshop with one online tool. Its smart product features enhance shopping experience and client connection, while solid technology, support, and service make the company into a trustworthy business partner. It is the blend of these qualities that sets Tilroy apart from tech-driven competitors.
A thoroughly upgraded brand identity and website make sure Tilroy’s communication is now as efficient as the tool itself. With a visual identity positioning the brand amongst leading technology companies, the website efficiently structures the what, why and how of the product.
Copywriting and photography focus on how retailers and their clients benefit from the product’s features. Lighthearted, lively illustrations ensure easy navigation on both the website and user interface.

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Rebranding and Website for Tilroy.
