An IT-sourcing agency specialising in .NET development has an impressive list of clients, but has to deal with an increasingly employee-driven market. We rebranded team4talent and created a website that attracts the young, talented developers they are looking for.

Sector: IT
Services: Art Direction, Branding, Campaign, Copywriting, Icon Design, Illustration, Logo Design, Photography, Stationary Design, Visual Identity, Webdesign
Steering clear of ‘T4T’ , original brand name team4talent was brought back into the spotlight. The agency’s playful, young team and professional atmosphere of hard working talent are the essence of its new brand identity. A very recognisable logo underlines the positive interaction between team and talent, and is the center point of a new, colourful visual identity.

The term ’Code Sourcery’ sets a good-natured, edgy tone of voice, inviting young developers into a community of computer magicians. Laced with quotes and jokes, the contemporary corporate website distances team4talent from dull, outdated competitors.
Recruiting being the main target, browsing detailed job openings or leaving a CV on the website takes zero effort. Colourful illustrations and technical jargon leave no doubt about what ‘Work Hard’ entails, while photography documents important employee perks and the ‘Play Hard’ office culture.

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Rebranding and Website for team4talent.
