Brückner & Brückner's profile

Kraut & Rüben Corporate Design

Kraut & Rüben

C l i e n t: a café and salad bar in Dortmund, Germany.
T a s k: create a simple yet concise design without using the typical clichés.

S o l u t i o n: the logo is based on this simple principle:
cabbage (Kraut) grows upwards and turnips (Rüben) grow downwards.

The Dortmund based slow food restaurant focuses on variety and seasonal supply. This applies for the soups, salads, depending on the season, as light vegetable soups or hearty stews, as well as for the different variations of oven potatoes. Always on the menu: homemade vanilla or chocolate pudding and rice pudding.

Interior design
Unplastered brick walls, bare light bulbs and an old barn door: Kraut & Rüben combines farm with industrial charm.

I n t e r i o r   d e s i g n: Penelope Buchwald
R e p r o s: David Jankowiak
F o o d   p h o t o g r a p h y: Maria Brinkop
A r c h i t e c t u r e   p h o t o g r a p h y: Clemens Müller
Kraut & Rüben Corporate Design

Kraut & Rüben Corporate Design
