Perfil de Tym Stevens

CATWOMAN: Graphic Art

CATWOMAN: Graphic Art
Catwoman: Whipsmart, by Tym Stevens.
Orginally an acrylic painting of Catwoman, this digital art version was redesigned as a potential film poster for an indie Film Noir from the Netherlands.
Catwoman: Bobcat, by Tym Stevens.
A.K.A., Cutewoman. She's got diamonds on the soles of her shoes.
Catwoman: Lash, by Tym Stevens.​​​​​​​
Batgirl: Horizon Song, by Tym Stevens.
Cassandra Cain, the second Batgirl, was mute for many years, and this anticipates her finding her voice.
CATWOMAN: Graphic Art


CATWOMAN: Graphic Art

Catwoman Graphic Art by Tym Stevens
