Manar Dahlawi 的个人资料

Signage System of Sari Street

Signage System of Sari Street
This was a group project of a Competition Called I’m A City Changer in Dar Al-Hekmah
Design Departments. I Participated from the VISCOM Department along with Basma Battarji, Batool Hifni into designing of Sari Street. My Part was doing the Pictograms and the train map. The concept was inspired by an artist called Kandinsky, since Jeddah has one of the largest open air museum. Using color coding to each different zone of sari street.
Signage System of Sari Street

Signage System of Sari Street

This was a group project of a Competition Called I’m A City Changer in Dar Al-Hekmah Design Departments. I Participated from the VISCOM Departmen 阅读更多内容
