Book Series | 5+1
five senses plus one "intuition"
In this books a sensory experience disrupts the plot of the story.

The part of the story when he sensory experience happen has a triple transformation in layout; 
text is rotated, larger and colored. 

The books are:
Marcel Proust "Swann's way" | taste
Patrick Süskind "Perfume" | smell
Gianni Rodari "stories of King Midas" | touch
Oscar Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray" | sight
Haruki Murakami "Norwegian Wood" | hearing
Fred Vargas "The Chalk Circle Man" | intuition

5+1 | book series

5+1 | book series

Book Series | 5+1 five senses plus one "intuition" In this books a sensory experience disrupts the plot of the story. The part of the story when Lue lisää
