Launching a new Trip hop singer and organizing her concert
Origin of the name of the singer:

Blue Rapture: The reason behind this name is the paradox that the singer is all about. Rapture is the ultimate happiness and desire while blue is for when someone is sad. Combing the two words is already contradictive. Besides, the singer’s blue eyes are very noticeable and worth naming after.

Singer description:

This Trip Hop singer is a new one in the market.
She is characterized by being so feisty yet indifferent on the stage. 
She uses the charm of her beautiful greyish blue eyes to seduce the audience and give them a great
sensational experience.
The lyrics that she writes by herself are like no other; quite subliminal and you have to read between the lines to get them.

Concept: The logo is only typography because I’m dealing with Blue Rapture as a name of a singer
and the purpose of this font manipulation is to give a trippy effect which the genre Trip hop is all about.
The roundedness is to show feminisim. Choice of color is deep blue. The reason behind this color is
because it gives the impression of light source on a black background and it’s a bit sad which justifies
the paradox that the singer is all about.
Organizing the Concert
After this part, the band is going to have their first concert in Lebanon.
Organizing the event takes a lot of effort regarding the amount of work and design. There would be several types of tickets for the event that are for different arenas and for different prices. There would be signs in the event for everyone to know their arenas, and also bracelets and other marks, uniforms for the security men, bartenders, organizers, interviewers, and so on.
Online Game
This game is made for the fans who want to go to the concert. The concept of it will be winning 2 VIP tickets if 8 out of 10 questions are answered correctly.



This is my long project! Launching a new Trip hop singer and organizing her concert in Lebanon.
