Hugo Cuellar's profile

FOREWORK competition Design

Design for FOREWORK, a competition run by WIRED Magazine, ADIDAS and CISCO, about how you envision the future of work. 
Our office has been synonymous with a place we go, sit and work for 8 hours a day (or more!).
I envision tomorrow’s offices to be no longer constrained by the cubicle or even 4 walls. The more knowledge we have on health, creativity and productivity, the more evident it is that our bodies and brains deserve better.  
With Wireless, VR and Augmented Reality technology growing exponentially every day, the office of tomorrow will not only be wherever we want it to be, but customised and optimised to enhance our work time. From intelligent swiss ball seats that help and track our health as we work, to portable wireless hubs, the sky is the limit to the future of human optimisation.
From working in your favourite spot in the woods, to the heart of the city, offices will become something that has a symbiotic relationship with us.
FOREWORK competition Design


FOREWORK competition Design

Design for FOREWORK competition
