Louisa Page's profile

Digital Story - Growing up with JIA


In my second year of university, I chose to do a Digital Story Telling module which taught me how to digitally tell an interesting story alongside giving me skills in Adobe After Effects and Flash. 

Because I am passionate about raising awareness about children and young adults with arthritis, I decided to base my digital story on this topic - similar to my documentary. 

The first part of the module was to present my ideas and the story board I created in front of my tutors and peers. Not only did this give me the opportunity to raise awareness to my peers, but it also gave me more confidence in my presenting skills. 

The aim of the story was to not only educate an audience though, but I also wanted to create content for children with arthritis to watch. It tells a true story and although some points are hard hitting, it ends positively and I want children who are going through a similar time to have hope after watching it. This I think is important, because at the moment there is not a lot of literature or content about children with Arthritis, and this is something I want to change - not only for the children, but also for their parents.

In fact, my digital story has already sparked interest from many arthritis companies and studies, such as Arthur's Place (www.arthursplace.co.uk), BANNAR and NRAS-JIA.

To create my digital story, I decided to use after effects and illustrator for my story as I wanted to create quite basic illustrations to target a young audience. I also used a small amount of flash too to try and get some experience in animation. 

I achieve 61% in this project.

Below is my digital story - I hope you enjoy it. 
Thank you for taking the time to view my work.

Don't forget to appreciate my project!
Digital Story - Growing up with JIA

Digital Story - Growing up with JIA
