Ube Urban 的个人资料

Ube Urban | Experience

UU | Ube Urban
Throughout the design thinking process I’m able to take an idea and turn it into a product that is elegant, natural, and valuable to the person using it. Within cross-functional teams, I organize workflow and welcomed insight for shaping the processes and culture. I truly believe that diverse groups of people make better teams. These experiences combined with my drive to create exceptional services will make me a viable designer.

Below are a few areas that best represent areas of my professional background to help improve user experiences, teams dynamics, design processes, and business capabilities.
LX | Leading Exp.
Knowing the business capabilities, gap analysis, and creative strategy. Accurately communicating your design intentions across multidisciplinary teams. Implementation of continuous adaptation, transparency, understanding (awareness) within the process.
MX | Managing Experience
Managing metrics to delivering inspiring creative leadership, from designing new roles and responsibilities. While breaking down phases: sketching, user story implementation, creating captivating, intuitive, and usable experiences.
HX | Human Experience
Humanizing navigational experience that potentially gamify user flows rather than create a basic flowchart with predictable logic. Tailoring your products to your user’s preferences, goals, and behaviors make them far more engaging.
BI | Business Intelligence
This area of expertise operates primarily with databases -analytic capabilities accessible through a number of products (software). Also includes developing and fine tuning IT solutions. That can include anything from coding, testing, debugging, designing, and implementation. The overall outcome is for businesses to make faster, more informed decisions.
UTX - User Testing Experience
There are many benefits of hands-on exercises for interviews. Research steers the process to become a better listener and reach a shared understanding with users (participants), and internal team. This conversation should naturally unfold to achieve a strong relationship. Obtaining critical information on users’ could uncover motivations - expectations of results. Learning participant’s own insights about themselves can lead to true empathy to generate a new solutions.
SX - Service Experience
This process tends to cross-pollinate amongst a variety of areas of design, primarily focussing within surrounding environments. Being able to enhance senses that a user will experience, includes humanizing touch points that are not typically found in specific locations. Service design also encompass the heuristic value of industrial design principles by looking beyond the products form factors, ingenuity, and implementing supporting channels to enhance a story.
CX | Customer Experience
Practice of designing digital products to services focusing on the quality and perspective of the end user’s experience. Every interaction and/or touchpoint within a product/service the customer experiences an experiences based on the brand's identity.
MFX | Mobile-First Experience

Implementation of media queries are constructed in layers and/or style sheets that allow websites to recognize what size screen/device users are using within web-browsers. This allows the visual style layers/sheet to render for a particular device interacting with it.

This use of interactions are primarily known as ‘responsive design’ - teams that are aware of designing interfaces in such a way are known as ‘content management and digital hierarchy’. Web searches, resolution images, printable documents, rendering layouts, can be accessible not only through a splash page, but rather creating ‘side doors’ for an experience that caters to individual users journeys.
GUI | Graphic User Interfaces
All interfaces should always simplify choices for the user, not add to their burden.
WFH - Work From Home
Infrastructure and processes that inspire creativity without imposing too much order can be uncovered within change of scenery. Sometimes the office environment may drain productivity with short interruptions from meetings, sporadic attention from team members, and impromptu 'chit chats.' Designers and other professionals just need a bit of time to refocus, and attend to work at hand.
Ube Urban | Experience


Ube Urban | Experience
