Being Evelyn
Being Evelyn is narrative driven stealth game about corporate espionage and computer hacking. I worked with four other designers to create this project in Unity over the course of two semester at the DigiPen Institute of Technology.
I created all of the art assets for the project included UI, environments, and characters. Additionally, I scripted menu interaction in C# and tested UI layouts with interactive Axure RP mockups.
Hacking UI
To progress through levels the player hacks into computer terminals and interacts with a text mini-game. The colors of each character on the screen correspond to different key inputs the player enters. For example, the user needs to skip over red characters, switch the case of blue characters, and enter yellow characters in reverse order.
I was responsible for the layout, icons, and color scheme of the hacking UI.
Menu Interaction
Gameplay HUD UI
Main Menu UI
UI Mockups
Character Portraits
There are numerous characters that the player can speak with to over the course of the game. To quickly generate the content required to represent these characters I created a set of Photoshop actions to process stock photo portraits. I wanted to achieve a low-fi digital look inspired by corrupted digital files and VHS video.
Logo Prototypes
The team that I worked with on this project was named Contraband. I prototyped several splash screen animations that were intended to play after starting the game. These effects were created with a pixel sorting script for Processing made by Jeff Thompson.
Level Style Iteration
Being Evelyn is 2D game but I generated the art assets for levels in 3D with Blender and rendered orthographic images of the models. The images above reflect the style of levels at different stages of development.
The game takes place inside a tall office building in a large city. At one point in development I considered abstracting the city background. The renders above are inspired by the artwork of Lee Griggs. These renders were made in Blender by displacing an array of cubes driven by an image.
Being Evelyn

Being Evelyn
