Ivy Dulaney 的個人檔案

Lightning Creation Myth Illustrated short story

First page of the short story--this is one of the most heavily detailed and shortly after completing it I realized the time it took and had to start cropping out details to fit into the timeline.

The yellow here is liquid latex--this was the next in line to be painted, but I ran out of time to finish it in time before the project was due. A good lesson in biting off more than I could chew.
Sketches and thumbnails for the "Why Lightning Precedes Thunder" story. The timeline for this project was insanely short, and looking back on it (not to say I didn't realize it then; but I was stubborn) I had way too little time to take on something of this detail. 
Lightning Creation Myth Illustrated short story

Lightning Creation Myth Illustrated short story

An illustrated short story made for a class that, while I am not wholly satisfied with, I enjoyed. The story is original, themed around kelpies ( 閱讀更多
