Some of concept art pieces developed as an initial stage for a personal project. Main purpose was to test some new applications in concept creation pipeline, various rendering methods and procedural modeling techniques. Cheers.
'No provider on the planet uses data encoding like this. The only thing I know is that it came from OmniCorp science division...' 
'Your Construct will be significantly different from local AIs. If you don't come back soon, it's going to be a one-way trip.'
'I’ve uploaded defense algorithms, tons of fake IDs and digital chaff but… I don’t know if they will do any good in there.'
'You let this entity in here and now your world will end. You won't change anything. Not anymore.'
'Whatever you do, don't interfere with SimRa's ecology. Oh, and don't bother any AI either.'
'Interference is causing too many ripples. They'll be registered as a virus!'
'Sir, the board has requested your presence. We have a bit of an incident'.
'Did you really fool yourself you will find her in there? You have no idea what you are up against.'



VFX concept design and explorations for a personal sci-fi project.
