Профиль minyi liang

Charcoal blackhead remover packaging design.

The image is from the other source. Copyright of text and pictures in this design vests with Enchanté Accessories Inc.
所用图片来自其它资源。 本设计的所有样式和文字都归 Enchanté Accessories Inc. 所有。
This design is targeting teenager to late twenties women. The pastel color on the box makes it feel young and energetic, and the black can work in concert with the charcoal theme. 

这款设计的目标对准的是从青少年到二十八九岁的年轻女子。 包装上柔和的颜色能让整体显得年轻和活力四射, 黑色则能和木炭的主题相结合。 
Charcoal blackhead remover packaging design.

Charcoal blackhead remover packaging design.



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