Anxiety disorders are something that many people suffer in silence with for fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed. Panic attacks are the worst thing to go through, as the physical symptoms are very similar to that of a heart attack, which distresses sufferers even more. The worst part is feeling like you have no control over the attacks, that they will consume you anytime, anywhere. The Breathing Buddy is designed to help those who suffer from panic attacks to take back control over their bodies and their minds. The physical buddy serves as a comfort/security object, which may already help users be more at ease knowing if an attack strikes, they have something to get them through it. The Breathing Buddy alongside the app, are meant to help the user relax and get their breathing pattern back on track for when they are hyperventilating or holding their breath too much. They can even use it to relax when they feel an attack might be coming soon. The app also has a reflection section where the user can do a quick gratitude exercise and “reality check” to redirect their thinking to positive thoughts and memories.
Breathing Buddy

Breathing Buddy

The Breathing Buddy is designed to help those who suffer from panic attacks to take back control over their bodies and their minds.
