From concept, to layout, to production, this book highlights a vast collection of bathroom graffiti found in the most unusual places throughout Austin, TX during the spring of 2011. As a designer, I believe clear visual communication is paramount for the success of most creative displays. Bathroom graffiti is unique in this regard, as it maintains a negative stigmata, an unsuspecting captive audience, a public vessel, and the occasional dialogue among the masses. For this reason, I was inspired to capture these random scribbles and unauthorized statements into print form. It stands as a one-of-a-kind documentation of raw art and expression, that can randomly be found in the stalls of the public lavatory.

It is available for purchase by using the link on the bottom of this page.
This book can be purchased or viewed more thoroughly on Use the window below as the link to do just that. Enjoy! 
Book on Bathroom Graffiti

Book on Bathroom Graffiti

A 40 page book highlighting the art and communication left by the many unknown creators of bathroom graffiti in Austin, TX. The concept, research Další informace
