Mata Escura
In Mata Escura Favela in Salvador de Bahia worst inconvenience mainly concern the living conditions of children and are connected to the infamous reality of "Meninos de rua", the street children, to the exploitation of children, both about to prostitution both at work . In Brazil, the drug trade is very developed and is precisely the young who belong to the poorest to be the main victims of this illicit market. The cause of death of young people, however, is mainly linked to firearms; in the world, Brazil is the country with the highest number of murder victims among children between 5 and 25 years.
The people portrayed have no relevance to what is written above.
At Mata Escura families living in high social risk conditions
In the favelas of Salvador children are the major victims of social problems.
Despite the summer rains transform the streets of the favela in torrents of water and mud, someone takes advantage of a drain gutter to freshen up.
Grow quickly is a necessity shared by all children of the favelas.

These photos are part of a photographic and documentary project, realized between 1996 and 2001 in Brazil. The original project has been developed in two different moments that have resulted in the creation of four documentaries shoted in the states of Amazonas, Roraima, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Parana', in addition to a portfolio that represents the synthesis. The cultural stratification which over the centuries has affected the Brazilian continent is still being seen today with anthropological and social connotations. The aim of photographic project shown here, is to catch the signs in the culture and society of visited countries.

Mata Escura

Mata Escura

Portraits by Mata Escura Favela of Salvador de Bahia
