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You Are What You Drive

You Are What You Drive
—Hand-made book about cars.

My car is not me.

Yet according to multiple studies, the vehicle a man owns reflects his image and has a strong affect on his perceived attractiveness and even the way he drives.

Like it or not, the car you drive will have a direct impact on your image. Think about it.
How often have you seen someone drive by in a raised 4 x 4 with huge tires, dual exhausts, and custom paint job of the American Southwest on his tailgate and thought—wow, he must be a history professor at Texas Tech University.


No, we all have stereotypes of people based off what they drive.

Porsche, BMW, Prius, Silverado, Harley Davidson… the list goes on.

This book is trying to find cars on the streets of San Francisco and reveal the owners behind them, see if they fit the image we have in our minds.
You Are What You Drive