Muhammad Hajid An Nur's profile

Fun dental chair alternative

Rid Rid
Rid-rid is a new design for a pediatricdental chair.

This design promotes new way of doing a dentalvisit for kids in a more fun and exciting one, so kids will have a good memoryand impression towards dental visit activities.

This design can also reduce the anxiety of thekid patient when they doing a dental visit so it also may improve dentist workquality as the kid feel happy and cooperative.
How to Use:

1. Patient use “Rid-Rid” as the furniture at the waitingroom
2. Parents or anyone who guide the kid patient play withthe kid using “Rid-Rid” as a ride-on toy. This way we can bond relationshipbetween parents and kids in the dentist waiting room
3. After playing with “Rid-Rid” for a while, kid will feelcomfortable with it then when it comes to their turn to do a dental check up,they come in to the dentist’s room on this. 
4. After playing with “Rid-Rid” for a while, kid will feelcomfortable with it then when it comes to their turn to do a dental check up,they come in to the dentist’s room on this.

mounting system
Fun dental chair alternative

Fun dental chair alternative

a final project
