The womb shelter was created as an exploration of materials, process, and space. The structure creates an intimate and safe space using plastic sheeting, clamp lights, and a box fan - elements that are generally cold and sterile - combined with objects from my childhood.

The womb shelter was included in the exhibition Body Language at the Dorchester Art Projects 

A soldering iron was used to melt together sheets of plastic to create the basic form of the womb
Two layers of plastic sheeting were used to create the interior and exterior structure of the womb. They were then attached to each other to create the bulbous form.

The final womb is inflated using a box fan and lit with pink tinted lights from the interior. To get inside one simply lifts the womb and crawls inside of it. It's made to accommodate 2-3 people.
Panoramic view of the inside of the womb.

The inside of the womb shelter is outfitted with a soft blanket that belonged to my mother, stuffed animals, and books from my childhood. These objects function to make the space feel comfortable for anyone while staying personal and intimate.

A recording of my mother reading a page from my great grandmothers journal about me as a child was playing while people visited the womb shelter..
GIFs from inside the womb!
Womb Shelter