Nathan Soriano Jr. sin profil

Sai (UnrealEngine4,  SteamVR, HTCVive, C++, Blueprints)

Sai (UnrealEngine4,  SteamVR,  HTCVive, C++, Blueprints)
Sai is a survival horror puzzle where players must find clues around one floor to escape the office building. 

With little to no knowledge of horror legends around Los Angeles, a pizza delivery guy accidentally finds himself delivering pizza to a flesh-eating creature. Locked inside the office building with the creature, he must now find a way to escape the building and the stalking predator by using hints found in some of the accessible floors of the building as well as distracting the predator from hindering his problem-solving. 
SAI Game Trailer
HTC Vive / SteamVR
With HTC Vive as our controller, the player will be using the motion controllers for most
of the interactions whereas they’ll be using the whole body for their character’s movement. To interact with things, the player will use the left and right trigger.  The D-pad is used to turn flashlights on and off and sliding the D-pad will be used to move the player.
Prototype I:
My first prototype was to make sure functionality works such as:
-Object pickups
-Open/Closing drawers
-Flickering Lights
-Enabling/Disabling physics
-Debugging Object names (making sure that player is picking up the right object name)
-Player Movement (making sure that player moves gradually to prevent motion sickness)
Prototype II:
These next few videos show how the mechanics evolved with the game design, game flow, and story.

The mechanics developed:
- A.I Triggering Animation Events
- Door Slamming Events
- Strobe Lighting
- Game Milestone events​​​​​​​

The mechanics developed:
- A.I Steering Behaviors seeking and attacking players
- A.I turns off only the lights in its path
Framework and Mechanics also implemented:
- Calibrating HMD (Head Mounted Display) to 3D space
- Calibrating motion controllers and sensors

-Blood Damage Overlay
-Postprocess Black and White Effect (Death scene)

Audio Programming (not all listed):
- Integrating footstep audio while pressing forward
- integrate pizzabox SFX
- integrate ambient sounds for vending and incubator machines 
Sai - Character Designs
I sketched one of the character concepts for the creature prototype, "Bon", was thought of to be a laboratory experiment between human and crustacean.
A character concept I drew of the main villian, "Sai".
Sai (UnrealEngine4,  SteamVR, HTCVive, C++, Blueprints)

Sai (UnrealEngine4,  SteamVR, HTCVive, C++, Blueprints)


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