Eric Goldstein profili

Cantor Granite Brand Identity

For this Project, I was tasked with creating a Brand Identity for Local Granite Design Company "Cantor Design" they wanted a logo that would convey what they do, but show that they have class. For this I decided to actually use one of the main granite tiles that they use for most jobs, and bring it into the design. To keep a "royal look" I chose to go with a more stylized Serif Font. Below is a Mock up of the Final Logo. 
To go along with the new logo, I also designed to separate business cards, T-shirt Designs & a Website which shall be going live within the next couple of weeks. Below are mock ups of the rest of the Brand Identity. I will be continuing work with this company throughout 2017 so this will also be an ongoing project as well. 
Thank you all for taking the time to take a look at this project! be prepared for more soon! 
Cantor Granite Brand Identity
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Cantor Granite Brand Identity

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