Perfil de vibhuti kanitkar

The New York Giphy Post

The New York Giphy post was created as a part of my final project for a programming class. The program is written in Python. 
Using the New York Times API I first get a list of top articles. The program then uses an online NLP  library and an API key to process a emotion for each article. The program then choses a gif (using the Giphy API) to match the emotion of the article. Ultimately the program creates the output as an html page. The page displays a gif, the tittle and abstract of the post. It also gives the option to the user to read the full article by clicking on the link of Read full article. An emoticon is also used to better demonstrate the mood of the article incase the gif re-emphasize the emotion/mood of the article. 

The aim of the project is to lighten the mood from all the news. Majority of the news is negative these days and discourages reader. The New York giphy post is a project to make morning reading of news a little lighter on the users mind.
I use string accumulation and formatting to create an HTML link within the program. USe unit test to run error test for each step and classes to categorize each type of task that the program runs. Thus the program not only runs smoothly but is also clean and easy on the eye of a viewer. 
The reason I chose to display this project on my design portfolio and not on git-hub is for two reasons. 
1. The API keys issued to me are not for my public usage. Hence I did not want to publish my entire code. 
2. At core I am a design nerd not a programmer. For me learning a programming language has been a great adventure and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. However, what is truly important in this project for me is the concept and idea behind it.  
Contact me for more information on this project. 
The New York Giphy Post

The New York Giphy Post

A Python code written to make morning new paper reading a more fun activity.


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