Three posters for a Sakura Festival contest at Langeline in Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Im very happy with the feeling of this poster, for sakura festival poster contest. The play between the realistic flower and the letters. This is only working because of the texture in the background, which gives it an analog feeling.

My second attempt at making a poster for the sakura festival poster contest. This is a bit more abstract, attempt at the feelings I have towards the Festival which is taking place at Langeline Park. I want the feeling of "hygge" and pink blooming. The feeling of falling leaves. Blue sky, and the very moment to enjoy with friends. 

My third attempt at making a poster, this time with the idea of 150 pink dots to tell the story about the diplomatic friendship between the Japanese- and the Danish ambassador. and the 10 red dots which is shaped like a hearth, is the number of Sakura festivals which have been celebrated so far, which is going to be the tenth time, this year 2017. 
Poster for contest

Poster for contest

This is 3 posters I made for a contest. the winners have not been declared yet. This is intended for for Sakura Festival at Copenhagen, more spec Rozwiń
