Finn Ross's profile

The Master and Margarita in Avignon

The Master & Margarita
Director: Simon McBurney
Set: Es Devlin
Video: Finn Ross
Costume: Christina Cunningham
Lighting: Paul Anderson
Video Associate: Adam "Tiffany" Young
3D Animation: Luke Halls

I wouldn't normally feature a show twice but the experience of presenting Master in Margarita at the Festival d'Avignon in the Palais des Paps was a once in a life time opportunity to redesign our show for a stunning venue.

Avignon was at the heart of the shows conception. From the other pictures you can see the show normally uses a large wall which is a touring piece of scenery, for Avignon we projection mapped 3 of the interior walls of the Cour d'honneur instead of using our existing set. We also increased the projection area on the floor to cover 21m rather than 12m and removed the glass from one of the windows and replaced it with a back projection screen giving us an interesting balance of truly epic imagery blended with small human scale images.

Every que of the show had to be redesigned to make the transition from a 21m wide, 10m high piece of scenery to a 110m wide, 40m high ancient building. Working with the wonderful Luke halls on the mapping front, Ben and Yves from PRG to achieve the projection, Leo Flint managing 12km of cable and the wonderful Adam Young who programmed it all together something very special was made.

2 x Barco FLM HD22, 7 x Barco FLM R20+, 5 x Panasonic PT DZ110X are used with 4 HD cameras, 4 Catalysts and a Grand MA 2 with over 400 cues spread over 9 different cue lists all wonderfully managed by Adam Young.

You can see extensive coverage of the process of making the show on my Flickr page here

Telegraph: "Complicite have come up with an even more exciting production, which makes superb use of video, music and a succession of startling coups de théâtre to capture the book’s peculiarly addictive mixture of zaniness, passion and terror"

"And there is one dazzling moment, to rival anything in War Horse, when a group of chairs dragged along the ground in synchronicity is projected on to the back wall and becomes a galloping steed."

The Stage: "The result is visually stunning and acted with the utmost commitment."
The Master and Margarita in Avignon

The Master and Margarita in Avignon

Complicite's Master and Margarita at the Festival d'Avignon
