Glub — Packaging
​​​​​​​Glub is a brand of fruit juices created for children and young people.

Pantone 118 EC, Pantone P 10-6 C, Pantone P 10-2 C; Pantone P 52-7 C, Pantone P 52-5 U, Pantone P 52-1 C; Pantone P 93-15 U, Pantone P 93-4 U, Pantone P 93-1 U; Pantone P 155-6 U, Pantone P 154-6 U, Pantone P 161-2 U.

Tetra Brick ® Aseptic 200 ml

This project was made for the subject Graphic Production Technologies under the supervision of Professor Antero Ferreira, at Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto

glub / packaging


glub / packaging
