曾卉宇 TSENG HUI YU's profile



新富町文化市場」的建築主體,鳥瞰是一個封口的U型,這是此場館非常具有代表性的特色,因此在命名場館英文名稱時,有別於一般中翻英的方式,獨立思考專屬的英文名稱為「U-mkt (Market簡寫)」,也讓外國訪客找尋上更便利,因此在中英文Logotype的排列結構上,將U至於最前面,並加強筆畫的粗度,其餘的中英文筆畫,設計上都保有一些弧度、圓潤的感覺,延伸到後來設計空間指標的icon時,也盡量把持這個設計原則,除了延續U型這個重點特色,新富的空間設計中,其實含有許多的圓弧元素,像是天井及空間活化後新增的半圓弧建築體,希望將這些元素,蘊藏在設計中。不過為了保持場館Logotype上一定的辨識性與流暢度,有些筆畫還是維持一般的書寫方式,也象徵此場館的營運特質,在傳統與創新中,透過日常生活與文化,與大家對話。

U-mkt is a historical site that has been repurposed as a cultural hub at WanHua, Taipei. It is operated by the JUT Foundation for Arts and Culture.
U-mkt  is named after the distinct U-shaped form of the building. With arcs as its characteristic design feature - as seen in the old courtyard and the new annex - the design of the logo and the signage both make us of the principle of arches. The arcs capture the viewer's attention when looking at the logo and the signage, whilst the strokes of the Chinese characters remain identical. The logo design tells how an old building resurrects as a new one whilst retaining its historical character.

