Chin Li Zhi's profile

Mansion Global Insight Cards

A series of insight cards designed for Mansion Global, to provide their shareholders and managements a quick snapshot into their client base and preferences. Layout wise, the decision was to make it newspaper-like to promote a sense of credibility while maintaining an upper-class/professional aesthetic.
A collection of informative postcards designed for Mansion Global based on the analysis of market segment data we collected across 4 markets.
The postcards for the UK and USA markets on display.
The last postcard brought insight into the property-related topics that professionals are talking about at the moment, complimenting the 4 other postcards which were more about market-related tendencies across different countries.
Mansion Global Insight Cards

Mansion Global Insight Cards

A series of insight cards designed for Mansion Global, to provide their shareholders and managements a quick snapshot into their client base and Read More
