DISCLAIMER: This project is for educational purposes and I am not affiliated with the brand.
Since Birchbox is unisex, I used a blue and pink theme to appeal to both genders while still giving off a holiday tone. The snowflakes were added to relate to the holidays as well. Birchbox’s e-mail’s are usually pretty simple and straightforward with a fun message. Therefore, I used simple typography through-out including, “Calibri” and “Avenir.” I organized the hierarchal design based on a real e-mail from Birchbox and tried to go for overall balance and cleanliness. Lastly, I wanted to create a “treat yourself” image for this campaign and therefore placed the attractive boxes for emphasis.
E-mail Campaign

E-mail Campaign

I designed a holiday promotional e-mail for the same brand as my web ads, Birchbox. To continue the theme, I created an e-mail for Birchbox which Mehr anzeigen
