Profil von Abigail Scheer

A Structual Landscape of Spirit and Earth

The Structural Landscape of Spirit & Earth
Thesis Project
"There are indestructible things which have been and always will be sacred to us – the groves, the lakes and rivers, the sky. Upon seeing them one is reminded of a scale in which human struggle and desire stand small."
 - James Salter

The natural world reminds us that we are small in comparison. It humbles us. The landscapes of nature are too complex and vast for us to ever understand or imagine. Man is transient; it is the earth that endures. My work centers on the impenetrable power of the sky, its relationship to the structured land, and the transitional aptitude of water. I am describing the pathway between land, air, and river that leads humans beyond the physical and into the spiritual through bold, deep breaths.

This thesis work found its beginnings in the principles of organic architecture, the inspirational work of E. Fay Jones, and my roots in the open landscapes of rural America. Jones found his archetype in the symbiotic relationship between structure and landscape. He believed that an intimate dialogue must exist between the parts and the whole. The formal aspects of color needed to make way for emotional response and spatial movement. Each fabric underwent transition in order to gain clarity. The cohesion of this collection is found in the conversation between open spirituality, innate organization and untold distance.
A Structual Landscape of Spirit and Earth

A Structual Landscape of Spirit and Earth

Senior Thesis Collection Fabrics for the Interior
