Digital Film/Picture Summative Project
Commercial/Infomercial                                               Satire!!!
2-3 Minutes
Study Infomercials - List 10 traits
1/3 Script  (writing) Storyboard (aesthetic)
1/3 Production
1/3 Post (Editing/Aesthetic)


    We FADE IN to a B&W scene with the LEADING WOMAN, middle
    aged and unhappy with her dilemma, performing the
    'difficult' task of having to change the channel on the
    television on the TV, without a remote controller, forcing
    her to get out of bed.
                    Is getting out of bed a pain? Just
            to change the channel, volume, or
            even turning the television can
            takes its toll. Well no longer if
            you have a hold of this remote
     The video does a 180 degree flip to a new scene featuring
    the SALESMAN, a young, happy, bright entrepreneur
                    Hey, it's Nick with my first
            product to offer to the public; the
            'Click Cluck'. You see, what you
            have to do here is once you have a
            hold of this you just simply have
            to tap a button on the Click Cluck
            and then it performs an activity,
            such as changing the volume, search
            for a tv show, or record your
            favorite sports team. It's so
            simple, even kids can use it.    
                    You see, the scientists at the lab
            knew how frustrating it was getting
            out of your comfy spot just so you
            could hear the tv better, that's
            why they came up with this device.
            The magic behind the scenes are the
            tiny little lasers that go between
            the remote and the TV and can
            communicate to an amazing distance
            of 16 feet! The Click Cluck is
            lightweight, but definitely not
            durable, so don't drop it! Now, you
            may be thinking to yourself, How is
            this even possible. Well, it was
            made in Estonia, and we all know
            how the Estonians are the future of
            technology. If you take a look at
            other remotes, they may not be for
            the right TV, or the right output.
            They're worthless! But with this
            remote, you can change the input so
            you dont have to get off of your
                    Here we have an example. This LADY
            is enjoying her show, and then gets
            a phone call. What the ordinary
            person would do would, get up, go
            to the tv, and lower the volume,
            and get back. Unfortunately she
            would miss the call. But if she had
            the remote, she would be able to
            answer the phone, in the time it
            takes her to get to the TV.
                    And what do customers think of this
            special remote?
                                               CUT TO: CUSTOMERS
                            CUSTOMER 1
                    I love it, saves time and i can use
            it at the end of my room.
                            CUSTOMER 2
                    Once i started using it, i couldnt
                            CUSTOMER 3
                    It.. it's alright
                    *whispers* Smile!
                            CUSTOMER 3
                    *smiles shyly*
                                              CUT TO: LIVING ROOM
                    If you call now, before this
            commercial ends, because I dont
            have all day, you will get the
            Click Cluck with absolutely no
            shipping. And how much is it? No,
            not fifty dollars. 30 dollars? Are
            you kidding me? No way, it is 22
            dollars, plus handling.
                    I am feeling a bit nice today, so
            perhaps we could throw in a few
            batteries to go with your remote if
            you call now. Now, these batteries
            arent the right ones, a bit too
            big, but you can still receive
            them. That's a value of 45 dollars,
            cut down to half! Here's how to
                                             CUT TO: END TEMPLATE
                    Dial 1-800-487-3253 (ITS-FAKE).
            That's 1-800-487-3253. Remember to
            order and bring batteries. No
            shipping needed, just call
            1-800-487-3253. This product is
            only available through phone, and
            only made in Canada. May not work
            with all TV's. This product is not
            returnable or refundable in any
            way. Please expect a week to two
            month delay upon paying to receive
            your Click Cluck. 1-800-487-3253.
            Call Now!



10 Things infomercials have in common
1 Always introduce themselves at the beginning
2 Include ‘ If you call now, you get ___ for free’
3 The ending has the blue template with phone number.
4 Has an ordinary person trying to accomplish something, but fails with a noir effect
5 The Host always demonstrates the product and describe about it (durability, effectiveness, etc)
6 Customers reactions to trying it out .
7 Why an ordinary person would want it.
8 Close Up of Product.
9 The item would probably be used twice in real life, before being kept in a storage box.
10 Always the same infomercial people (Vince, Billy, etc.) AKA Familiarity

Presentation stuff
2-3 minute discussion
Concept: Inspiration, Theme, Genre. (Online for Infomercials, Vince Offer, Mays. Parody. Remote.
Process:Shot at my living room and parents bedroom. I used a Fujifilm Finepix S.
I worked with only myself. It went surprisingly well.
Editing was alright..? The Camera went out of focus often and I had to do a few retakes.
Digital Film/Picture Summative Project

Digital Film/Picture Summative Project

Summative Project for Digital Picture and Digital Film
