What's in my fridge
Experimental photography
This book includes a series of photographs which aim to present a different perception and understanding of the energy inherent in the objects we see every day. I chose to photograph objects that were inside my fridge using a thermal camera to highlight this perception.

It may perceive the infrared spectrum and give an illustration of how heat is distributed. As the temperature of an object increases, the amount of radiation emitted also increases. This special camera uses “state of the art” technology for detecting infrared radiation, displaying different heat levels which are represented by different colors and then creating images.
In the famous deed "Critique of Pure Reason" by Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, explained in his theory that the world is divided into apparent - as presented to us through our eyes - and hyper sensible - just as it is. He argued that things exist in a certain way, but all that a person can know is their appearance. For example, look out from the window and focus on a tree. How does it look like in a broad daylight? How about night time? Imagine how it looks through the eyes of a bat or a cat or somebody who is colorblind. How would it look like through a thermographic camera? What is the real appearance of the tree? Kant argues that it is the aggregation of all the possible ways plus the non-perceived, as the super sensuous, able to capture the wave of reality. The object "itself" as it really is, is much more enriched, deeper and more comprehensive than any particular phenomenal representation. In this series the objects are presented only by one perception; infrared radiation.
I used a technique that involved photographing simple objects with a thermal camera which can capture a given color range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It may perceive the infrared spectrum and give an illustration of how heat is distributed. As the temperature of an object increases, the amount of radiation emitted also increases. This special camera uses “state of the art”technology for detecting infrared radiation, displaying different heat levels which are represented by different colors and then creating images.
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What's in my fridge
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What's in my fridge

This book includes a series of photographs which aim to present a different perception and understanding of the energy inherent in the objects we 詳細を表示

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