Model Making
Some of my model making skills
Concept model from Tram(cept) project
Concept Model from Tram(cept) project
Concept Model from Tram(cept) project
Model from Curvilinear project - Clear Perspex
Model from Curvilinear project - Clear Perspex
Convex/concave project in college
Group project from college
Copper structure
Melted cling film on the copper structure.
Melted cling film on the copper structure.
Papere stencilled structure with an interesting shadow
Inside out project from college.
Inside out project
Another paper structure with an interesting shadow
Concept model
Concept model
Perspex with melted materials on, such as aluminium
Perspex with melted materials on, such as aluminium
Model Making

Model Making

These are some models that have been produced for some of my degree projects.
