Perfil de Danny Lee (Ting Hsun Lee)

Fractal, Modular, Representataional (2016)

Brief Introduction:
  90 pieces in at least three different sizes based on the same seed shape, aiming for expressing space.  The inspiration was birds hovering in the sky. I encountered the problem of how to make each fractal hold each other up, and the solution I got was using wires to create an interior structure.
 30 pieces in the same size based on the same seed shape, aiming for expressing space.  The modular sculpture looks different from each angle, therefore the form changes every time the viewer moves. Also, it reflected lights, suggesting the concept of waves.
The representational sculpture is to portray my childhood memory of the moment of catching many butterflies and putting them in my precious box.  The sculpture invites people to get lost in the interior space of the box while looking at the overall, you get the sense of the beautiful moment of owning many treasures. The memory is really unforgettable for me, swirling in my mind till now.
Fractal, Modular, Representataional (2016)

Fractal, Modular, Representataional (2016)

Paper sculptures exploring space

