Alexis Huets profil

Synaps-T - Interactive Table [Motion Design]

Synaps-T : The digital as emotionnal vector !

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult to dispense with his phone. This project is based on the creation of an interactive game table with the aim of putting the screen at the heart of our social relations. Thanks to the theme of the game present since our childhood, this connected table aims to get the user of his smartphone for a moment of sharing and thus privilege social relations, communication and collective play.​​​​​​​

Thanks !

By Thibaut Lacroix and Alexis Huet

Synaps-T - Interactive Table [Motion Design]

Synaps-T - Interactive Table [Motion Design]

De nos jours, il est de plus en plus difficile de se passer de son téléphone. Entre amis, au restaurant ou autour d'un verre, qui n'a jamais sort Läs mer
