Concept: An app the lets users determine what plants are suitable to their space and lifestyle by using a simple questionnaire. The app will provide information and notifications to help the user take care of their plant(s).
Interactive Mockup:
For the aesthetic of the app I was inspired by traditional Japanese tea houses (chashitsus) that were designed to represent simplicity and to transcend the complex distractions of the world (Hyatt). Most people like the idea of having plants in their home in order to bring a sense of nature into their house so I felt that this concept was a good fit for the theme of the app. I created the logo using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. I wanted to logo to be an image of the traditional tea house with a blend of modern elements. My experience with designing logos is limited so it took many different attempts to come up with the current design. So far I am pleased but I will continue tweaking this project as my eye and skills continue to grow.

Tea houses use a mixture of materials such as wood, paper and bamboo so I tried to incorporate similar colors into the mockup of the app.

My Plants: A page that allows the user to keep track of their plants and access information on their upkeep.

Settings: A page to edit the security and general options of the app. Also allows the user to edit any notifications of upkeep that have been set-up.

Search: A page to search for specific plants and information on their upkeep.

Help/FAQ: Frequently asked questions and how to use the app

Camera: A way for the user to take pictures of their own plants and set them as the image in the My Plants directory.

Enter the Plant Wizard
Location: Using zip code the app will be able to categorize which plants will be able to live in the user's climate area

Indoor/Outdoor: Narrow down results by plants that are meant to be either indoor or outdoor

Residence: Using the type of home the wizard will be able to narrow down results by optimal size

Difficulty: The wizard will only show results with the level of upkeep that the user will feel comfortable with

Steps to add in the future: Level of natural sunlight, type of desired plant (flowers, ferns, tree, etc.), desired size of plant.

To Be Continued!
Allison Hyatt. "The Evolution of the Japanese Tea House" 19 Aug 2011. ArchDaily. 2 Dec 2016. <>
greenHouse App

greenHouse App

A mockup of an app designed to help users determine what plants are ideal for their house and lifestyle.
